Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What is SAT Score Choice

The SAT Score Choice is a free program run by the College Board aimed at reducing the stress of the test takers. If you have taken the exam multiple times, you can exercise the Score Choice option to send scores of only one test date to prospective colleges. For SAT Subject Tests, you can send scores of individual tests. While this may give a lot of flexibility to the test takers, you should use the choice very judiciously. Students should examine the score reporting policies in the colleges of their choice. Test scores are treated differently across colleges and this information is available to test takers when they send their scores. You should follow the score reporting requirements of individual colleges when you are sending in your SAT scores. If your highest scores in each section were not on the same test date, exercising Score Choice is a bad idea. In that cases, it would be better to send scores of all the SATs. Most colleges consider only the highest scores across each exam and it is a good idea to send in all the scores. Only if the school explicitly requests a single test administration score report, you should consider using Score Choice. Score Choice maybe a good idea in case of SAT subject tests where tests of individual results can be sent. If you do not exercise Score Choice, all scores will be automatically sent to schools.